How to create organizational alignment

 How to Create an Aligned organization

We want to ensure that everybody in your organization who is under your influence is behaving like members of an orchestra playing the same symphony. Since you are impacted by the ecosystem around you – above, across, and below – we want everyone to understand and support what it is that you are focusing on.

I have traveled the world, more than 30 countries, training thousands of people in companies, and invariably I encounter among them a fundamental problem of alignment: a failure to make sure that all priorities are understood and interdependent. If you can address that, you become incredibly useful and influential to your organization.

So, that is one of my goals: to help you become highly influential with the people below you, the people across, the people in front, behind, and – mostly – with the people above you. It could be your banker, your investors, your partners, your bosses – whomever.

Here is a mini-lecture extracted from my complete leadership program XCELERATOR. Your responsibility is to absorb it, understand it, and begin to implement it – talk to your colleagues about creating a laser-focused organization.