coaching teams

5 ways to spot when your executive team is in trouble

5 ways to spot when your executive team is in trouble

A former executive MBA student of mine sends me an email asking for help. As the CEO and president of his booming company, he struggles to rally all of his troops in the same direction and get them out of their comfort zone to boost innovation. He would like his founding partners and associates to stop working in silos and expand their impact, transversally. Trust is low; those experts in their field need to become leaders in the company. Product launches are uncoordinated and he sees a major risk in delivering his vision within the coming years. Does this seem familiar?

Here are 5 indications that serious disappointment lies ahead, and what to do about it.

5 erreurs clés à éviter lorsque vous transformez votre organisation

5 erreurs clés à éviter lorsque vous transformez votre organisation

Que votre organisation fusionne avec une autre, que vous participiez à une transformation numérique stratégique ou que vous soyez en pleine restructuration, voici 5 erreurs clés à éviter lors de cette transformation.

Creating Highly Effective Action-Learning Programs

Creating Highly Effective  Action-Learning Programs

Action-learning programs consistently deliver a higher level of impact in leadership development. One step further from case studies and experiential learning simulations, this process provides an opportunity to deliver lasting change.