leading your life

Become a Master at anything you do

Become a Master at anything you do

Hervé Da Costa - Learn leadership from Karate - Develop your excellence Embrace leadership mastery and learn from Karate-Do Learn the 4 levels of awareness and competence. Discover the 3 key principles that create Mastery. I am sharing the key lessons from over 40 years of martial arts practice on 3 continents: Africa, Europe, and the US. I introduce the foundations of my leadership development approach and how you can transform yourself durably - create the best version of yourself.

Stop The Saboteur Inside

Stop The Saboteur Inside

To succeed in an organized way requires that you learn the needed skills for your journey and that you also get the powerful self-saboteur that is stuck in your cavernous hidden zone under control. Quieting the Mind is the first step to overcome our low self-confidence

Do You Have a Personal Business Plan?

Do You Have a Personal Business Plan?

Most executives have a good sense of how to create strategic and operational plans. And they often have the talent to deliver on a good part of their plans in spite of the unpredictable events arising from their environment. However, when I askexecutives about their own business plan, they often answer: What do you mean? A personal business plan? For what?