Personal Leadership

Making Every Day A Million-Dollar Day

Making Every Day  A Million-Dollar Day

How do you create success in a sustainable way? The answer is simple: One day at a time. What ensures success? Your attitude, know-how, your discipline, and your persistence. More precisely, the secret lies in your determination to make every single day an amazing day.

Become a Master at anything you do

Become a Master at anything you do

Hervé Da Costa - Learn leadership from Karate - Develop your excellence Embrace leadership mastery and learn from Karate-Do Learn the 4 levels of awareness and competence. Discover the 3 key principles that create Mastery. I am sharing the key lessons from over 40 years of martial arts practice on 3 continents: Africa, Europe, and the US. I introduce the foundations of my leadership development approach and how you can transform yourself durably - create the best version of yourself.

What Does It Take To Manage My Boss?

What Does It Take To Manage My Boss?

"I am repeatedly blamed for not being strategic enough."  This executive’s boss continually says: You do not spend enough time looking at the overall picture … you are too operational … you need to adopt a strategic perspective … you must spend more time studying our competitors and understanding our customer more deeply. Ouch. Here is how to make this a lot better.

Why Do Successful Executives Behave Like Thugs?

Why Do Successful Executives  Behave Like Thugs?

Most executives will not admit that their behaviors could be perceived as subversive; they may sincerely not realize that they are. What are people complaining about in company hallways? This article by Hervé Da Costa discusses the key reasons for those behaviors and how to begin to address them to elicit real positive change — Everybody Wins. 

3 key characteristics of resilient people

In my book What Color Is Your Sky?, I introduce the concept of living on the green curve, a resilient, focused, proactive way of living daily. Learning and perfecting specific life skills and attitudes can be a game-changer. In particular, I encourage you to read and practice the Deliberate Morning Program.

This implies that, over time, you learn from hardship and persist. How can you suffer real setbacks and not falter? During these times of anxiety and deep change, what helps people ultimately bounce back? Find out how resilience at work can literally save lives.

“More than education, more than experience, more than training, a person’s level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails. That’s true in the cancer ward, it’s true in the Olympics, and it’s true in the boardroom.” — Dean Becker, president, and CEO of Adaptive Learning Systems.

Resilience can be learned. I recently read an excellent article from Harvard Business Review: “How Resilience Works,” by Diane Coutu, director of client communications at Banyan Family Business Advisors, headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which introduces 3 characteristics that may reinforce this:

  • Face and accept reality:  Resilient people have down-to-earth views that matter for survival. Pushing for a sense of possibility is powerful, but for longer or bigger challenges, a grounded sense of reality is far more important. Ask yourself: “Do I truly understand—and accept—the reality of my situation? Does my organization?”

  • Search for meaning:  Reframing your situation and seeking a deeper meaning to what is happening can mean the difference between giving up and hanging in there, believing in a better-constructed future. The reference book on this matter is Viktor Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning. I encourage you to spend time clarifying your personal purpose and that of your company’s.

  • Become a bricoleur: Keep bouncing back by doing the most with what you have. You may need to improvise solutions from thin air. This calls for agility, positivity, and enthusiasm.

Are you facing serious transformational challenges in your company? If you are, simply drop me a line at

Apaisez votre mental et devenez inarrêtable

Apaisez votre mental et devenez inarrêtable

Apprendre à devenir conscient de vos décisions inconscientes et de votre sabotage intérieur ne vous apportera rien de moins que de changer votre vie. Cela décuple votre clarté d’esprit sur ce que vous souhaitez précisément dans la vie et révèle votre confiance naturelle en vous. N’est-ce pas une de nos quêtes les plus précieuses ? Pour un manager, c’est tout simplement un must.

How to Quiet Your Mind and Become Unstoppable

How to Quiet Your Mind and Become Unstoppable

Hervé Da Costa wants you to realize how much is going on in your mind and to practice putting it aside, reducing the noise inside, focusing on one simple thought: thinking about nothing. This practice itself can be magical. As one workshop participant I would find myself coming to know very well once said, it feels like “taking a vacation away from myself.” 

Stop The Saboteur Inside

Stop The Saboteur Inside

To succeed in an organized way requires that you learn the needed skills for your journey and that you also get the powerful self-saboteur that is stuck in your cavernous hidden zone under control. Quieting the Mind is the first step to overcome our low self-confidence

10 façons efficaces de vaincre le découragement

10 façons efficaces de vaincre le découragement

Parfois, vos actions n’entraînent pas les résultats attendus, et vous commencez à vous sentir découragé. Les défis du quotidien peuvent aussi influencer négativement votre attitude, votre enthousiasme et vos émotions. Pour vous en sortir, il faut changer d’état d’esprit et ne pas vous embourber dans le découragement car cela peut vous faire sombrer dans la spirale de la passivité déprimante ou le fatalisme. Pour retrouver une certaine sérénité, il vous faut souvent repenser la situation afin que vous puissiez passer à l’action, trouver des solutions et faire en sorte que les choses avancent. Ces recommandations vous paraîtront simples voire simplistes, en fait elles peuvent être redoutablement efficaces. Il s'agit ici de trouver le centre de l'orage, l'oeil du cyclone mental. C'est l'un des buts essentiels de la pratique du mindfulness.

Beyond back-to-work survival: get addicted to the DMP

Beyond back-to-work survival: get addicted to the DMP

In many countries September is one of the most frantic months of the year. You may be back from a well-deserved vacation but email and requests for your undivided attention have been piling up. You may have taken your vacation earlier and enjoyed the slower pace of August. Now everyone is back and catching up.