Coming out of the crisis — how?

Coming out of the crisis — how?

Coming out of the crisis successfully requires three fundamental factors: proper anticipation, conscious risk taking, and high coordination, more than ever. The question becomes: who can anticipate and plan with you effectively? And can you, together, analyze at deeper levels than usual, how to orchestrate the process of going back to a new world.

Apaisez votre mental et devenez inarrêtable

Apaisez votre mental et devenez inarrêtable

Apprendre à devenir conscient de vos décisions inconscientes et de votre sabotage intérieur ne vous apportera rien de moins que de changer votre vie. Cela décuple votre clarté d’esprit sur ce que vous souhaitez précisément dans la vie et révèle votre confiance naturelle en vous. N’est-ce pas une de nos quêtes les plus précieuses ? Pour un manager, c’est tout simplement un must.

How to Quiet Your Mind and Become Unstoppable

How to Quiet Your Mind and Become Unstoppable

Hervé Da Costa wants you to realize how much is going on in your mind and to practice putting it aside, reducing the noise inside, focusing on one simple thought: thinking about nothing. This practice itself can be magical. As one workshop participant I would find myself coming to know very well once said, it feels like “taking a vacation away from myself.” 

10 questions fondamentales auxquelles les PDG doivent savoir répondre

10 questions fondamentales auxquelles les PDG doivent savoir répondre

Je suis assis tranquillement, entouré d’un groupe de managers triés sur le volet, tous identifiés comme des managers à haut potentiel au sein de leur entreprise. Je suis leur coach en leadership. L’impatience est dans l’air.

Stop The Saboteur Inside

Stop The Saboteur Inside

To succeed in an organized way requires that you learn the needed skills for your journey and that you also get the powerful self-saboteur that is stuck in your cavernous hidden zone under control. Quieting the Mind is the first step to overcome our low self-confidence

How to reverse-engineer your future

How to reverse-engineer your future

As you start the year, the key question is: How do you plan and design your activities so this becomes one of your most satisfying years ever? Most people make a list of urgent and important things and call it an action plan. In reality, this ends up being nothing more than a long to-do list, one based on fear, hope and duty and not on designing success.

Comment manager mon patron ?

Comment manager mon patron ?

Commençons par la manière de gérer votre patron, qui démontrera comment structurer vos rapports directs afin qu’ils fonctionnent à votre avantage, pour votre réussite, et non l’inverse.

Voici cinq mesures radicales que je demande à mes clients de prendre…

10 façons efficaces de vaincre le découragement

10 façons efficaces de vaincre le découragement

Parfois, vos actions n’entraînent pas les résultats attendus, et vous commencez à vous sentir découragé. Les défis du quotidien peuvent aussi influencer négativement votre attitude, votre enthousiasme et vos émotions. Pour vous en sortir, il faut changer d’état d’esprit et ne pas vous embourber dans le découragement car cela peut vous faire sombrer dans la spirale de la passivité déprimante ou le fatalisme. Pour retrouver une certaine sérénité, il vous faut souvent repenser la situation afin que vous puissiez passer à l’action, trouver des solutions et faire en sorte que les choses avancent. Ces recommandations vous paraîtront simples voire simplistes, en fait elles peuvent être redoutablement efficaces. Il s'agit ici de trouver le centre de l'orage, l'oeil du cyclone mental. C'est l'un des buts essentiels de la pratique du mindfulness.

10 core questions CEOs should be able to answer and why

10 core questions CEOs should be able to answer and why

Being able to answer core questions helps CEOs define the culture, the soul of the company and greatly impact the engagement of its managers. Furthermore, it inspires them to make better tactical decisions. Here is a list of questions that a CEO or senior managers should spend time on and be prepared to answer.

Beyond back-to-work survival: get addicted to the DMP

Beyond back-to-work survival: get addicted to the DMP

In many countries September is one of the most frantic months of the year. You may be back from a well-deserved vacation but email and requests for your undivided attention have been piling up. You may have taken your vacation earlier and enjoyed the slower pace of August. Now everyone is back and catching up.

Creating Highly Effective Action-Learning Programs

Creating Highly Effective  Action-Learning Programs

Action-learning programs consistently deliver a higher level of impact in leadership development. One step further from case studies and experiential learning simulations, this process provides an opportunity to deliver lasting change.

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement

10 Sure Ways to Fight Discouragement

 Sometimes your actions do not yield the results you want and discouragement kicks in. Getting out of it is about shifting your state of mind and not staying stuck in it. It is about reframing the situation so you can get back to action, finding solutions and making things happen for you.


Do You Have a Personal Business Plan?

Do You Have a Personal Business Plan?

Most executives have a good sense of how to create strategic and operational plans. And they often have the talent to deliver on a good part of their plans in spite of the unpredictable events arising from their environment. However, when I askexecutives about their own business plan, they often answer: What do you mean? A personal business plan? For what?